A Simple, Secure and Scalable Investment Solution.
Invest Now and Beat the Market
Our primary goal is to invest by limiting risks at the same time. We apply a rigorous checklist approach to evaluate securities in any asset class while analysing and interpreting fundamental data, macro-economic data, and sentiment indicators.
We have professional traders and quantitative analysts working on evaluating the variations of crypto-currencies on different time frames.
Have confidence in our projections and we guarantee a positive return on investment ranging between 3% and 20% per year.
The ASKA Wallet is a gateway to decentralized crypto-currencies. It comes with a cross-platform investment software and allows you to hold, secure and invest crypto-currencies and other assets.
Start investing today and either manage your wallet or let us take care of everything.
If you are new to crypto-currencies
The Best & Most Popular offer
For Companies or substantial assets managment
Founded in January 2015 ASKA Investments is an analyst and hedge fund that specializes in the crypto-currencies market.
Since its creation it has grown from 3 to 28 employees based in 12 countries.
Send us an email, give us a phone call, send us a SMS or a message through the site and we will call you back in less than a day.
Contact us any way you like and we will get back to you under an hour. You can use the phone number indicated at the top of your profile page.